Version 28 Feb 2022 Choose a version
1. Cyber security policy development 5/7 71%57 71%
1.1. Cyber security policy unit 333
CriteriaA central government entity (ministry or equivalent) has a specialised official or unit responsible for national cyber security policy development.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Operations and Analysis Center
"The Operations and Analysis Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus is a government agency operating as part of the national security system.
Main tasks [among other]:
- to regulate efforts to protect information that contains state secrets of the Republic of Belarus or other kinds of secure information from leakage by technical channels, from unauthorized and unintended actions;
- to coordinate efforts to ensure the cybersecurity of the state in the national segment of the Internet; (...)"
Also, according to the Cybersecurity guidelines for the Eastern Partner countries (2020): "[The designated Center is] (...) responsible for initiating and developing cybersecurity policy (...)" (p.14).
1.2. Cyber security policy coordination format 222
CriteriaThe central government has a committee, council, working group, etc. for national-level cyber security policy coordination.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Statute on the Council for the Development of the Information Society Under the President of the Republic of Belarus; Chapter 2. Point 5. One of the main functions of the council is to define measures to strengthen information security.
1.3. Cyber security strategy 001
CriteriaThe central government has established a national-level cyber security strategy or other equivalent document.
Accepted referencesValid official document
1.4. Cyber security strategy implementation plan 001
CriteriaThe central government has established an implementation plan to the national-level cyber security strategy or other equivalent document.
Accepted referencesValid official document or its enforcement act
2. Cyber threat analysis and information 3/5 60%35 60%
2.1. Cyber threats analysis unit 333
CriteriaA central government entity has a national-level unit that is specialised in national strategic cyber threat situation analysis.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
The National Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) is responsible for cyber threat analysis.
"Functional analysis of the ascertained informational threats, dissemination and managing methods analysis, and assessment of potential and real threats"
2.2. Public cyber threat reports are published annually 001
CriteriaThe public part of the national cyber threat situation analysis is published at least once a year.
Accepted referencesOfficial public report
2.3. Cyber safety and security website 001
CriteriaPublic authorities provide at least one cyber safety and security website for cyber security and ICT professionals, and regular users.
Accepted referencesWebsite
3. Education and professional development 5/9 56%59 56%
3.1. Cyber safety competencies in primary or secondary education 111
CriteriaPrimary or secondary education curricula include cyber safety / computer safety competences.
Accepted referencesOfficial curriculum or official report
The Curriculum on the subject "Fundamentals of Life Safety" developed by the Ministry of Education (obligatory for institutions of general secondary education) for V classes (2016) includes the following components: “Internet addiction. The harm of excessive use of the Internet, its impact on human health. Possible dangers of social networks, Internet addiction. Safety of work on the Internet. Fraud on the Internet, advertising and spam. The danger of deception in social networks. Inadmissibility of using the Internet for threats or deliberately false messages about the danger.”
3.2. Bachelor’s level cyber security programme 222
CriteriaThere is at least one cyber security / electronic information security focused programme at Bachelor’s or equivalent level.
Accepted referencesAccredited study programme
Information Security in Telecommunications
3.3. Master’s level cyber security programme 002
CriteriaThere is at least one cyber security / electronic information security focused programme at Master’s or equivalent level.
Accepted referencesAccredited study programme
3.4. PhD level cyber security programme 222
CriteriaThere is at least one cyber security / electronic information security focused programme at PhD or equivalent level.
Accepted referencesAccredited study programme
The PhD programmes on specialty “05.13.19 – Methods and systems of information protection; information security” are officially acknowledged by the High Attestation Committee. The passport of the programme is published. The PhD courses and Habilitation on this specialty are suggested by Belarusian State University and Belarusian State University for Informatics and Radioelectronics and acknowledged by the High Attestation Committee.
3.5. Cyber security professional association 002
CriteriaThere is a professional association of cyber/electronic information security specialists, managers or auditors.
Accepted referencesWebsite
4. Contribution to global cyber security 1/6 17%16 17%
4.1. Convention on Cybercrime 001
CriteriaThe country has ratified the Convention on Cybercrime.
Accepted referencesOfficial website of the convention
4.2. Representation in international cooperation formats 111
CriteriaThe government is regularly represented in a cooperation format that is dedicated to international cyber security (e.g. FIRST).
Accepted referencesOfficial website of the cooperation format
Antiterrorist center of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States that is also specialized in countering cyber-attacks was created by the Decision of the Council of CIS Heads of State of June 21, 2000, is a permanent specialized branch body of the CIS and is intended to ensure coordination of interaction between the competent bodies of the CIS member states in the field of combating international terrorism and other manifestations of extremism.
4.3. International cyber security organisation hosted by the country 003
CriteriaA regional or international cyber security organisation is hosted by the country.
Accepted referencesOrganisation’s official website
4.4. Cyber security capacity building for other countries 001
CriteriaThe country has (co-)financed or (co-)organised at least one capacity building project for another country in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or project document
5. Protection of digital services 0/5 0%05 0%
5.1. Cyber security responsibility for digital service providers 001
CriteriaAccording to legislation, digital service providers (except micro and small enterprises): (1) must manage cyber/ICT risks or (2) must implement established cyber/information security requirements.
Accepted referencesLegal act
5.2. Cyber security standard for the public sector 001
CriteriaPublic sector digital service providers must implement (1) cyber/ICT security requirements (defined by legislation) or (2) a widely recognised security standard.
Accepted referencesLegal act
5.3. Competent supervisory authority 003
CriteriaThe government has a competent authority in the field of cyber/information security that has the power to supervise public and private digital service providers regarding the implementation of cyber/information security requirements.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
6. Protection of essential services 6/6 100%66 100%
6.1. Operators of essential services are identified 111
CriteriaThere is a legal act that allows to identify operators of essential services.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus, October 25, 2011 No. 486, Chapter 1 Art 2
See also Cybersecurity guidelines for the Eastern Partner countries (2020) - pp.15-16.
The State Registry of the Critically Important objects of Informatisation (ORDER OF THE OPERATIONAL AND ANALYTICAL CENTER UNDER THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS December 20, 2011 No. 96; On some measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated October 25, 2011 No. 486)
See also chapter 2 article 5 (pp. 12-13 of PDF documnet) (Procedure for classifying Informatization Objects to Critically Important Informatization Objects) of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated April 16, 2013 No. 196 "On some measures to improve the protection of information"
5. Criteria for classifying informatization objects as critical are:
the criterion of social significance - in relation to objects of informatization that ensure the vital activity of the population (housing and communal services, health care, education, labor, employment and social protection);
the criterion of economic significance - in relation to informatization objects that ensure the functioning of objects (organizations) of the main sectors of the economy and (or) other important economic needs, including those that ensure non-cash (interbank) settlements, processing;
the criterion of environmental significance - in relation to objects of informatization, the violation or termination of the functioning of which may cause damage to the environment;
the criterion of informational significance - in relation to the objects of informatization in the field of communications and the media.
6.2. Cyber security requirements for operators of essential services 111
CriteriaAccording to the legislation, operators of essential services must manage cyber/ICT risks.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus, October 25, 2011 No. 486, Chapter 4 (Keeping CI safe)
6.3. Competent supervisory authority 333
CriteriaThe government has a competent authority in the field of cyber/information security that has the power to supervise operators of essential services, regarding cyber/information security requirements.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
The Operations and Analysis Center
See Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus, October 25, 2011 No. 486 (link above), Chapter 2 article 6
6.4. Regular monitoring of security measures 111
CriteriaOperators of essential services must regularly (at least once every 3 years) provide evidence of the effective implementation of cyber/information security policies (e.g. audit result, documentation, specific report).
Accepted referencesLegal act
See Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus, October 25, 2011 No. 486, Chapter 4, article 15
"15. Internal control is carried out by the owner of the CI at least once a year.
The results of internal control are formalized in an act, which is drawn up within ten days from the date of completion of internal control measures in two copies, one of which is sent to the OAC within three working days."
7. E-identification and trust services 7/9 78%79 78%
7.1. Unique persistent identifier 111
CriteriaThe government provides a unique persistent identifier to all citizens, residents, and legal entities. For example, the identifier remains the same after document expiration and name change.
Accepted referencesLegal act
LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS, July 21, 2008 No. 418-З, about the population register
"Article 9. Identification number
1. The identification number is formed in a centralized manner according to a special methodology determined by the Ministry of the Interior.
2. The identification number remains unchanged throughout the entire period of existence of the entry in the register. The identification number is indicated in the documents proving the identity of an individual."
All citizen of the Republic of Belarus as well as other categories of physical entities registered in the State Population Register, also have the unique identification number that is assigned to a person for a lifetime. Since 2013, this also concerns the children since they obtain a certificate of birth. DECISION OF THE MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS October 18, 2011 No. 345» establishes the order of formation of the “Identification number, which is the main identifying characteristic of an individual in the process of entering his personal data into information systems, updating, excluding, storing, restoring, providing and using them” .
For legal entities, the payer’s account number (УНП/PAN) assigned to them at registration of the legal entity is used as a unique identifier. -
7.2. Requirements for cryptosystems 111
CriteriaRequirements for cryptosystems in the field of trust services are regulated.
Accepted referencesLegal act
See Chapter 1-6 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated April 16, 2013 No. 196 "On some measures to improve the protection of information" (link above) on technical and cryptographic protection of information
7. Organizations - owners (owners) of information systems, owners of critically important informatization objects, organizations that provide services for the distribution of public keys for verifying electronic digital signatures, specified in part one of clause 3 of this Regulation, in order to ensure technical and cryptographic protection of information (...)"
7.3. Electronic identification 001
CriteriaElectronic identification is regulated.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.4. Electronic signature 111
CriteriaE-signature is regulated
Accepted referencesLegal act
LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS December 28, 2009 № 113-Z, About electronic document and electronic digital signatures, Chapter 4
7.5. Timestamping 001
CriteriaTimestamping is regulated.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.6. Electronic registered delivery service 111
CriteriaElectronic registered delivery service between state entities, citizens and private sector entities is regulated. The service provides legally binding data exchange and guarantees the confidentiality and integrity of information.
Accepted referencesLegal act
National automated information system (portal for e-services).
7.7. Competent supervisory authority 333
CriteriaThere is an authority responsible for the supervision of qualified trust service providers.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
(Link above) Order of the Operations and Analysis Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus dated November 29, 2013 No. 89 "On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for accreditation of service providers in the State system for managing public keys for verifying the electronic digital signature of the Republic of Belarus and monitoring compliance with the terms of accreditation"
Operations and Analysis Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus is responsible for the supervision of qualified trust service providers and for granting the qualified status. The procedure for the accreditation of service providers in GosSUOC and for monitoring compliance with accreditation conditions is determined by the "Instruction on the procedure for accreditation of service providers in the State system for managing public keys for checking the electronic digital signature of the Republic of Belarus and for monitoring compliance with accreditation conditions" approved by the OAC Order of November 29 2013 No. 89.
8. Protection of personal data 4/4 100%44 100%
8.1. Personal data protection legislation 111
CriteriaThere is a legal act for personal data protection.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Law of the Republic of Belarus dated May 7, 2021 No. 99-Z "On the protection of personal data"
8.2. Personal data protection authority 333
CriteriaThere is an independent public supervisory authority that is responsible for personal data protection.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Law of the Republic of Belarus dated May 7, 2021 No. 99-Z "On the protection of personal data", Chapter 4
Auhtorized Body for the Protection of the Rights of Personal Data Subjects
National Center for the Protection of Personal Data
"In May 2021, the law "On the Protection of Personal Data" was adopted, aimed at ensuring and protecting the rights of citizens in the processing of their personal data. On November 15, it entered into force.
The newly created National Center for the Protection of Personal Data is called upon to enforce the law . It is endowed with the status of an authorized body for the protection of the rights of subjects of personal data. Its basic rights, tasks and functions are defined."
9. Cyber incidents response 3/6 50%36 50%
9.1. Cyber incidents response unit 333
CriteriaThe government has a unit (CSIRT, CERT, CIRT, etc.) that is specialised in national-level cyber incident detection and response.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
9.2. Reporting responsibility 001
CriteriaDigital service providers and operators of essential services have an obligation to notify appointed government authorities of cyber security incidents.
Accepted referencesLegal act
9.3. Single point of contact for international coordination 002
CriteriaThe government has designated a single point of contact for international cyber security coordination.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
10. Cyber crisis management 0/5 0%05 0%
10.1. Cyber crisis management plan 001
CriteriaThe government has established a crisis management plan for large-scale cyber incidents.
Accepted referencesLegal act
10.2. National-level cyber crisis management exercise 002
CriteriaThe government has conducted a national-level cyber crisis management exercise or a crisis management exercise with a cyber component in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
10.3. Participation in international cyber crisis exercises 001
CriteriaThe country's team has participated in an international cyber crisis management exercise in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
10.4. Operational support of volunteers in cyber crises 001
CriteriaThe procedures for using volunteers in the field of cyber security are established by legislation.
Accepted referencesLegal act
11. Fight against cybercrime 4/9 44%49 44%
11.1. Cybercrimes are criminalised 111
CriteriaCybercrimes are defined by legislation.
Accepted referencesLegal act
The Criminal Code of Belarus contains a chapter defining the criminal offences and sanctions for attacks against information systems and computer data: Chapter 31. Crimes against information security (Art. 349. Unauthorized access to computer information; Art. 350. Modification of computer information; Art. 351. Computer sabotage; Art. 352. Illegal occupation of computer information; Art. 353. Manufacture or sale of special funds for unauthorized access to a computer system or network; Art. 354. The development, use or distribution of malware; Art. 355. Violation of the rules of operation of a computer system or network”.
11.2. Cybercrime unit 333
CriteriaThere is a government entity with a specific function of combatting cybercrime.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
The Office for the Detection of High-Tech Crime at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus (Office “K”) is an independent operational and search division of the Ministry, directly subordinate to the Head of the Main Directorate of Criminal Police.
11.3. Digital forensics unit 003
CriteriaThere is a government entity with a specific function of digital forensics.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
11.4. 24/7 contact point for international cybercrime 002
CriteriaThe government has designated an international 24/7 contact point for cybercrimes.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
12. Military cyber operations 3/6 50%36 50%
12.1. Cyber operations unit 333
CriteriaMilitary forces have a unit (cyber command, etc.) that is specialised in planning and conducting cyber operations.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Information Technology Specialized Company (Специализированную роту по информационной безопасности - Spetsializirovannuyu Rotu po Informatsionnoy Bezopasnosti)
"In particular, among the projects that the academy is involved in, projects related to the simulation of military operations, navigation support, and the development of automated control and radar systems are of key importance". Source can be found here.
12.2. Cyber operations exercise 002
CriteriaMilitary forces have conducted a cyber operations exercise or an exercise with a cyber operations component in the country in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
12.3. Participation in international cyber exercises 001
CriteriaThe country's military team has participated in an international cyber operations exercise in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
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Belarusian State University