Version 3 Dec 2020
1. Cyber security policy development 7/7 100%77 100%
1.1. Cyber security policy unit 333
CriteriaA central government entity (ministry or equivalent) has a specialised official or unit responsible for national cyber security policy development.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Supreme Decree Nº 579/2019 modified the Supreme Decree Nº 533/2015 that creates a Cybersecurity Interministerial Committee (CICS). These modifications are related to adding members to the aforementioned Committee, clarifies functions of the CICS and it created a new technical commission that advising in cybersecurity affairs to the Cysecurity Interministerial Committee.
1.2. Cyber security policy coordination format 222
CriteriaThe central government has a committee, council, working group, etc. for national-level cyber security policy coordination.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Supreme Decree No. 533/2015 creates a Cybersecurity Inter-Ministerial Committee responsible for developing a proposal for the National Cybersecurity Policy. "First article. Create an advisory commission of the President of the Republic called "Interministerial Committee on Cybersecurity" (hereinafter, "the Committee"), permanent, which will have an inter-ministerial composition, whose mission is to propose a national cybersecurity policy, and advise on the coordination of actions, plans and programs of the different institutional actors in the matter."
1.3. Cyber security strategy 111
CriteriaThe central government has established a national-level cyber security strategy or other equivalent document.
Accepted referencesValid official document
1.4. Cyber security strategy implementation plan 111
CriteriaThe central government has established an implementation plan to the national-level cyber security strategy or other equivalent document.
Accepted referencesValid official document or its enforcement act
Public policy measures for 2017-2018 (page 19-22)
2. Cyber threat analysis and information 2/5 40%25 40%
2.1. Cyber threats analysis unit 003
CriteriaA central government entity has a national-level unit that is specialised in national strategic cyber threat situation analysis.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
2.2. Public cyber threat reports are published annually 111
CriteriaThe public part of the national cyber threat situation analysis is published at least once a year.
Accepted referencesOfficial public report
The attached link summarizes the threats and cyber attacks found by the CSIRT Government in monthly and weekly periods. The scope is for the State Departments, but CSIRT has an open channel to receive information from the public about threats and incidents outside the state. The information is added to the general statistics to show a broader picture of the national situation.
2.3. Cyber safety and security website 111
CriteriaPublic authorities provide at least one cyber safety and security website for cyber security and ICT professionals, and regular users.
Accepted referencesWebsite
The attached website is for technical users. The main objective is to provide critical information to the digital asset manager in the public and private sectors; and to avoid any exploitation of vulnerabilities in the use of digital tools.
The attached website is for all users. The content is easy to follow and the main objective is to promote public awareness about the risks in cyberspace.
The attached website is for technical and general users. The main objective is to promote best practices in the public sector. The private sector could also receive this information through state providers.
3. Education and professional development 6/9 67%69 67%
3.1. Cyber safety competencies in primary or secondary education 001
CriteriaPrimary or secondary education curricula include cyber safety / computer safety competences.
Accepted referencesOfficial curriculum or official report
3.2. Bachelor’s level cyber security programme 222
CriteriaThere is at least one cyber security / electronic information security focused programme at Bachelor’s or equivalent level.
Accepted referencesAccredited study programme
3.3. Master’s level cyber security programme 222
CriteriaThere is at least one cyber security / electronic information security focused programme at Master’s or equivalent level.
Accepted referencesAccredited study programme
3.4. PhD level cyber security programme 002
CriteriaThere is at least one cyber security / electronic information security focused programme at PhD or equivalent level.
Accepted referencesAccredited study programme
3.5. Cyber security professional association 222
CriteriaThere is a professional association of cyber/electronic information security specialists, managers or auditors.
Accepted referencesWebsite
4. Contribution to global cyber security 2/6 33%26 33%
4.1. Convention on Cybercrime 111
CriteriaThe country has ratified the Convention on Cybercrime.
Accepted referencesOfficial website of the convention
4.2. Representation in international cooperation formats 111
CriteriaThe government is regularly represented in a cooperation format that is dedicated to international cyber security (e.g. FIRST).
Accepted referencesOfficial website of the cooperation format
4.3. International cyber security organisation hosted by the country 003
CriteriaA regional or international cyber security organisation is hosted by the country.
Accepted referencesOrganisation’s official website
4.4. Cyber security capacity building for other countries 001
CriteriaThe country has (co-)financed or (co-)organised at least one capacity building project for another country in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or project document
5. Protection of digital services 1/5 20%15 20%
5.1. Cyber security responsibility for digital service providers 001
CriteriaAccording to legislation, digital service providers (except micro and small enterprises): (1) must manage cyber/ICT risks or (2) must implement established cyber/information security requirements.
Accepted referencesLegal act
5.2. Cyber security standard for the public sector 111
CriteriaPublic sector digital service providers must implement (1) cyber/ICT security requirements (defined by legislation) or (2) a widely recognised security standard.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Article 6º
Presidential Order Nº 8, 2018, of Cybersecurity. This instruction was for the whole Public Sector to implement specific measures on cybersecurity.
Executive order Nº 83 approving the technical standard for public administration on security and confidentiality of electronic documents
5.3. Competent supervisory authority 003
CriteriaThe government has a competent authority in the field of cyber/information security that has the power to supervise public and private digital service providers regarding the implementation of cyber/information security requirements.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
6. Protection of essential services 1/6 17%16 17%
6.1. Operators of essential services are identified 111
CriteriaThere is a legal act that allows to identify operators of essential services.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Artículo 3°: No obstante lo dispuesto en el artículo 1°, las instituciones bancarias o financieras de cualquier naturaleza, las entidades públicas, las empresas de transporte de valores, las empresas estratégicas, los servicios de utilidad pública que se determine, deberán contar con su propio servicio de vigilantes privados y, además, mantener un organismo de seguridad interno, del cual dependerá la oficina de seguridad. Se consideran empresas estratégicas las que se individualicen como tales por decreto supremo, el que tendrá carácter de secreto.
8.- Incorpórase el siguiente Título VIII, nuevo: "TÍTULO VIII De las Infraestructuras Críticas de Telecomunicaciones Artículo 39 A.- El Ministerio, por medio de la Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones, desarrollará un plan de resguardo de la infraestructura crítica de telecomunicaciones del país, con el objeto de asegurar la continuidad de las comunicaciones en situaciones de emergencia resultantes de fenómenos de la naturaleza, fallas eléctricas generalizadas u otras situaciones de catástrofe. Para este efecto, tendrá las siguientes atribuciones: a) Coordinar con los diversos organismos e instituciones de gobierno y con los agentes privados el diseño, implementación, desarrollo y mantenimiento de la política y plan de resguardo de las infraestructuras críticas de telecomunicaciones. b) Declarar como infraestructura crítica, mediante resolución fundada y de acuerdo al procedimiento establecido en el reglamento, las redes y sistemas de telecomunicaciones cuya interrupción, destrucción, corte o fallo generaría serio impacto en la seguridad de la población afectada. El concesionario podrá reclamar de esta declaración ante el Ministro, dentro del plazo de diez días, acompañando los antecedentes que fundamenten la solicitud. Presentada la reclamación se dará traslado a la Subsecretaría, que deberá evacuar un informe dentro de los diez días siguientes a la recepción del oficio en que se le haya solicitado. Vencido este plazo, el Ministro resolverá dentro de los treinta días siguientes a la fecha de recepción del informe o del transcurso del plazo, según corresponda. Los recursos que se interpongan en contra de dicha resolución se regirán por lo establecido en la ley N° 19.880. c) Establecer medidas de resguardo que deberán adoptar los concesionarios, permisionarios o licenciatarios, para la operación y explotación de sus respectivas infraestructuras de telecomunicaciones que hayan sido declaradas como críticas, con el objeto de asegurar la continuidad de las comunicaciones en los términos referidos en sus propios proyectos técnicos, en aquellas situaciones de emergencia descritas en el encabezamiento de este artículo. El concesionario podrá reclamar de una o más de las medidas decretadas ante el Ministro, dentro del plazo de diez días, acompañando los antecedentes que fundamenten la solicitud. Presentada la reclamación se dará traslado a la Subsecretaría, que deberá evacuar un informe dentro de los diez días siguientes a la recepción del oficio en que se le haya solicitado. Vencido este plazo, el Ministro resolverá dentro de los treinta días siguientes a la fecha de recepción del informe o del transcurso del plazo, según corresponda. Los recursos que se interpongan en contra de dicha resolución se regirán por lo establecido en la ley N° 19.880. Artículo 39 B.- Un reglamento contendrá las definiciones, procedimientos, medidas y requisitos para que la Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones, dentro de la esfera de su competencia, implemente el plan de resguardo de la infraestructura crítica de telecomunicaciones del país. Las medidas de resguardo que se impongan en el reglamento deberán ser estrictamente proporcionales a la cobertura de servicio que preste dicha infraestructura, además de técnica y económicamente viables de implementar por parte de los operadores del servicio. Asimismo, deberá establecer un plazo dentro del cual los concesionarios implementen estas medidas en forma gradual, tomando en cuenta los factores técnicos de dicha implementación.".
6.2. Cyber security requirements for operators of essential services 001
CriteriaAccording to the legislation, operators of essential services must manage cyber/ICT risks.
Accepted referencesLegal act
6.3. Competent supervisory authority 003
CriteriaThe government has a competent authority in the field of cyber/information security that has the power to supervise operators of essential services, regarding cyber/information security requirements.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
6.4. Regular monitoring of security measures 001
CriteriaOperators of essential services must regularly (at least once every 3 years) provide evidence of the effective implementation of cyber/information security policies (e.g. audit result, documentation, specific report).
Accepted referencesLegal act
7. E-identification and trust services 7/9 78%79 78%
7.1. Unique persistent identifier 111
CriteriaThe government provides a unique persistent identifier to all citizens, residents, and legal entities. For example, the identifier remains the same after document expiration and name change.
Accepted referencesLegal act
National Identification Number (Rol Único Nacional).
7.2. Requirements for cryptosystems 001
CriteriaRequirements for cryptosystems in the field of trust services are regulated.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.3. Electronic identification 111
CriteriaElectronic identification is regulated.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.4. Electronic signature 111
CriteriaE-signature is regulated
Accepted referencesLegal act
Law 19.799 regulates the use of electronic documents in the country, with the corresponding mechanisms to ensure information integrity and confidentiality by the use of digital signature, together with a system guaranteeing the proper operations of the bodies providing this service.
Approves regulations of law 19,799 on electronic documents, electronic signature and the certification of such signature.
7.5. Timestamping 111
CriteriaTimestamping is regulated.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Article 55e: Sellado de Tiempo/Time stamping:
7.6. Electronic registered delivery service 001
CriteriaElectronic registered delivery service between state entities, citizens and private sector entities is regulated. The service provides legally binding data exchange and guarantees the confidentiality and integrity of information.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.7. Competent supervisory authority 333
CriteriaThere is an authority responsible for the supervision of qualified trust service providers.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Law 19,799 on electronic documents, electronic signature and certification services of said firm, establishes in its second article, subsection "e", that the Accrediting Entity is the Undersecretariat of Economy, Development and Reconstruction, currently called the Undersecretariat of Economy and Businesses of Smaller size Said Law is regulated by Supreme Decree 181 of 2002.
In order to comply with the tasks inherent to the attributions that this legal and regulatory regulation confers upon the Undersecretariat as the Accrediting Entity, on December 7, 2010, through the Exempt Administrative Resolution 2268, the Accrediting Entity Unit was created within the Undersecretariat. , with the following functions:
Accredit the providers of the electronic signature certification service.
Keep the Registry of accredited service providers of electronic signature certification.
Exercise the inspection authority over accredited service providers of electronic signature certification.
Start the procedure for the preparation and setting of technical standards on electronic documents, electronic signature and certification services of said firm.
Inform and resolve inquiries from other public and private entities, manage agreements that relate to the use of electronic documents, electronic signature and certification services of said firm in matters that are within the competence of this Undersecretariat.
To be the technical counterpart of the contracts that are subscribed within the framework of the tasks that correspond to it.
All those entrusted to you, the Undersecretary of Economy and Minority Enterprises
Size, necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes of the Accrediting Entity.
After the creation of the Division of Technology and Development, in June 2014, the unit was included and redefined as "Electronic Signature Unit" and added the functions of educating, disseminating and promoting the electronic signature; as well as granting technical support to the projects of incorporation of electronic signature within the Undersecretariat.
Law 19,799
8. Protection of personal data 1/4 25%14 25%
8.1. Personal data protection legislation 111
CriteriaThere is a legal act for personal data protection.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Law 19.496 sets out a series of principles and rights relative to the management of personal data in the country that may be requested by the owner of the personal data to whom is in possession of or manages a record containing such data, together with the general application rules for the management of personal data by the public and private sectors in connection with the safeguarding of the data contained in such information.
The bill (currently in process of being approved) regulates the protection and processing of personal data and creates the Personal Data Protection Agency.
8.2. Personal data protection authority 003
CriteriaThere is an independent public supervisory authority that is responsible for personal data protection.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
9. Cyber incidents response 3/6 50%36 50%
9.1. Cyber incidents response unit 333
CriteriaThe government has a unit (CSIRT, CERT, CIRT, etc.) that is specialised in national-level cyber incident detection and response.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
The Exempt Resolution N 5.006 of August 2019 creates the government units specialized in cybersecurity, including the CSIRT Department.
9.2. Reporting responsibility 001
CriteriaDigital service providers and operators of essential services have an obligation to notify appointed government authorities of cyber security incidents.
Accepted referencesLegal act
9.3. Single point of contact for international coordination 002
CriteriaThe government has designated a single point of contact for international cyber security coordination.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
10. Cyber crisis management 1/5 20%15 20%
10.1. Cyber crisis management plan 001
CriteriaThe government has established a crisis management plan for large-scale cyber incidents.
Accepted referencesLegal act
10.2. National-level cyber crisis management exercise 002
CriteriaThe government has conducted a national-level cyber crisis management exercise or a crisis management exercise with a cyber component in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
10.3. Participation in international cyber crisis exercises 111
CriteriaThe country's team has participated in an international cyber crisis management exercise in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
10.4. Operational support of volunteers in cyber crises 001
CriteriaThe procedures for using volunteers in the field of cyber security are established by legislation.
Accepted referencesLegal act
11. Fight against cybercrime 9/9 100%99 100%
11.1. Cybercrimes are criminalised 111
CriteriaCybercrimes are defined by legislation.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Computer-related crimes are established under law N° 19.223, which contemplates illegal access, system and data interference, and disclosure of private data bases offences.
Additionally, Chile acceded the Budapest Convention in August 2017. In this way, the Convention provisions became binding to our domestic legal system and there is currently a bill of law being discussed in our Congress that adapts our law to the Budapest Convention standards.
11.2. Cybercrime unit 333
CriteriaThere is a government entity with a specific function of combatting cybercrime.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
11.3. Digital forensics unit 333
CriteriaThere is a government entity with a specific function of digital forensics.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
11.4. 24/7 contact point for international cybercrime 222
CriteriaThe government has designated an international 24/7 contact point for cybercrimes.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
"3) Regarding its Article 35 "Red 24/7" numeral 1, which is the point of contact located 24 hours a day, seven days a week, is the Public Ministry of Chile."
12. Military cyber operations 6/6 100%66 100%
12.1. Cyber operations unit 333
CriteriaMilitary forces have a unit (cyber command, etc.) that is specialised in planning and conducting cyber operations.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
See section 4.3 (end of page 5):
a. A Joint Cyber Defense Command will be created, under the command of the Head of State Joint Major, responsible for the planning and execution of military operations joint cyber defense of the country;
12.2. Cyber operations exercise 222
CriteriaMilitary forces have conducted a cyber operations exercise or an exercise with a cyber operations component in the country in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
Yes, joint exercise on cyber-defense, Chile-USA is developed; dated August 23.
Evidence: SSD WEB Publication (2019 August 26).
12.3. Participation in international cyber exercises 111
CriteriaThe country's military team has participated in an international cyber operations exercise in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
Panamax 2016 participants
"This year, a total of nineteen nations joined the United States during the seven-day exercise that used simulations to command and control multinational notional sea, air, special operations, cyber and land forces to defend the vital waterway and surrounding areas against threats from violent extremism and provide humanitarian relief."
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Ministry of Interior and Public Security
Ministry of Interior and Public Security