Version 23 Jan 2023
1. Cyber security policy development 7/7 100%77 100%
1.1. Cyber security policy unit 333
CriteriaA central government entity (ministry or equivalent) has a specialised official or unit responsible for national cyber security policy development.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Article 16. "Functions of the Coordination Team of Cybersecurity Strategies (ECEC) will have the following functions: a) define policies, establish guidelines and prepare proposals for strategies and action plans for the development of the national cybersecurity strategy 2018-2021 ...
1.2. Cyber security policy coordination format 222
CriteriaThe central government has a committee, council, working group, etc. for national-level cyber security policy coordination.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Board of Directors of the National Cybersecurity Center
Decree 230-18Article 12. Conformation of the National Cybersecurity Center. The National Cybersecurity Center will be integrated by a Board of Directors, its highest authority, and by an Executive Directorate.
Paragraph I: The Board of Directors will be composed of the following entities:…
Paragraph II: The Board of Directors will have the power, when the case merits, to require the participation of other State representatives, such as: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ... the Academics, critical infrastructure operators, the private sector, ... and citizens in general.
Article 14 - Functions of the Council of the National Cybersecurity Center
e) define policies, establish guidelines and elaborate proposals of strategies and plans to submit them to the approval of the Executive Power -
1.3. Cyber security strategy 111
CriteriaThe central government has established a national-level cyber security strategy or other equivalent document.
Accepted referencesValid official document
Decree 230-18, establishing and regulating the National Cybersecurity Strategy 2018-2021. Articles 2 - 8 delineate the National Cybersecurity Strategy 2018-2021.
1.4. Cyber security strategy implementation plan 111
CriteriaThe central government has established an implementation plan to the national-level cyber security strategy or other equivalent document.
Accepted referencesValid official document or its enforcement act
Article 9. Action and Review Plan. Within ninety (90) days following the issuance of this decree, the Action and Review Plan will be established, which will define the priority activities, deadlines, budget and institutions responsible for the implementation of each of the actions...
2. Cyber threat analysis and information 5/5 100%55 100%
2.1. Cyber threats analysis unit 333
CriteriaA central government entity has a national-level unit that is specialised in national strategic cyber threat situation analysis.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
The National Cybersecurity Center has a Cybersecurity National Observatory (Observatorio Nacional de Ciberseguridad) that performs threat intelligence from various sources of threat information in the Dominican cyberspace. It currently monitors 1.5 million public IP addresses where it classifies 45 cyber-exposure indicators.
2.2. Public cyber threat reports are published annually 111
CriteriaThe public part of the national cyber threat situation analysis is published at least once a year.
Accepted referencesOfficial public report
The National CSIRT publishes reports of threat levels in the Dominican cyberspace, such as the impact of botnet networks and indicator exposures such as RDP related to Bluekeep threats.
2.3. Cyber safety and security website 111
CriteriaPublic authorities provide at least one cyber safety and security website for cyber security and ICT professionals, and regular users.
Accepted referencesWebsite
3. Education and professional development 6/9 67%69 67%
3.1. Cyber safety competencies in primary or secondary education 001
CriteriaPrimary or secondary education curricula include cyber safety / computer safety competences.
Accepted referencesOfficial curriculum or official report
3.2. Bachelor’s level cyber security programme 222
CriteriaThere is at least one cyber security / electronic information security focused programme at Bachelor’s or equivalent level.
Accepted referencesAccredited study programme
Cybersecurity Engineering
Technologist In Informatic Security
Cybersecurity Engineering (UNICARIBE)
3.3. Master’s level cyber security programme 222
CriteriaThere is at least one cyber security / electronic information security focused programme at Master’s or equivalent level.
Accepted referencesAccredited study programme
Master in Cybersecurity
Master's Degree in Auditing and Information Security (Maestria Auditoría y Seguridad Informática)
Master in Cybersegurity (UNICARIBE)
3.4. PhD level cyber security programme 002
CriteriaThere is at least one cyber security / electronic information security focused programme at PhD or equivalent level.
Accepted referencesAccredited study programme
3.5. Cyber security professional association 222
CriteriaThere is a professional association of cyber/electronic information security specialists, managers or auditors.
Accepted referencesWebsite
4. Contribution to global cyber security 6/6 100%66 100%
4.1. Convention on Cybercrime 111
CriteriaThe country has ratified the Convention on Cybercrime.
Accepted referencesOfficial website of the convention
4.2. Representation in international cooperation formats 111
CriteriaThe government is regularly represented in a cooperation format that is dedicated to international cyber security (e.g. FIRST).
Accepted referencesOfficial website of the cooperation format
The National CSIRT was admitted as a full member of FIRST in December 2020.
4.3. International cyber security organisation hosted by the country 333
CriteriaA regional or international cyber security organisation is hosted by the country.
Accepted referencesOrganisation’s official website
Latin America and Caribbean Cyber Competence Centre LAC4 is implemented by EU CyberNet and funded by the European Union, established in 2022 with the physical training facility in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic.
LAC4 is:
- state-of-the-art hybrid training facility, digital forensics lab and cyber range;
- capacity to develop and provide technical, policy and strategic level courses and simulation;
- platform for doctrine development and research coordination;
- channel to cyber capacity building projects, training modules and materials developed in the EU.
4.4. Cyber security capacity building for other countries 111
CriteriaThe country has (co-)financed or (co-)organised at least one capacity building project for another country in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or project document
On November 14-17, all cybersecurity-related roads will lead to LAC4, Santo Domingo. A week full of different discussions, training, workshops, and networking on the most important topics will take place in cooperation with many countries and organizations. See all the events and participants below.
Cyber Week 2022 was also held where 20 countries of the region participated and were trained in Crisis Communication and regional incident response exercises.
5. Protection of digital services 1/5 20%15 20%
5.1. Cyber security responsibility for digital service providers 001
CriteriaAccording to legislation, digital service providers (except micro and small enterprises): (1) must manage cyber/ICT risks or (2) must implement established cyber/information security requirements.
Accepted referencesLegal act
5.2. Cyber security standard for the public sector 111
CriteriaPublic sector digital service providers must implement (1) cyber/ICT security requirements (defined by legislation) or (2) a widely recognised security standard.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Government organizations must comply with the information security regulations established by the Presidential Office of Information Technology (OPTIC)
5.3. Competent supervisory authority 003
CriteriaThe government has a competent authority in the field of cyber/information security that has the power to supervise public and private digital service providers regarding the implementation of cyber/information security requirements.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
6. Protection of essential services 1/6 17%16 17%
6.1. Operators of essential services are identified 111
CriteriaThere is a legal act that allows to identify operators of essential services.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Article 8 of Law No. 267-08 identifies strategic infrastructure.
6.2. Cyber security requirements for operators of essential services 001
CriteriaAccording to the legislation, operators of essential services must manage cyber/ICT risks.
Accepted referencesLegal act
6.3. Competent supervisory authority 003
CriteriaThe government has a competent authority in the field of cyber/information security that has the power to supervise operators of essential services, regarding cyber/information security requirements.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
6.4. Regular monitoring of security measures 001
CriteriaOperators of essential services must regularly (at least once every 3 years) provide evidence of the effective implementation of cyber/information security policies (e.g. audit result, documentation, specific report).
Accepted referencesLegal act
7. E-identification and trust services 5/9 56%59 56%
7.1. Unique persistent identifier 001
CriteriaThe government provides a unique persistent identifier to all citizens, residents, and legal entities. For example, the identifier remains the same after document expiration and name change.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.2. Requirements for cryptosystems 001
CriteriaRequirements for cryptosystems in the field of trust services are regulated.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.3. Electronic identification 001
CriteriaElectronic identification is regulated.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.4. Electronic signature 111
CriteriaE-signature is regulated
Accepted referencesLegal act
Law No. 126-02 concerning Electronic Commerce, Documents, and Digital Signatures. See Title IV - Articles 31-34.
Decree No. 335-03 approves the Regulation of Application of Law No. 126-02 on Electronic Commerce, Documents and Digital Signatures
7.5. Timestamping 111
CriteriaTimestamping is regulated.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Devree No. 335-03 approves the Regulation of Application of Law No. 126-02 on Electronic Commerce, Documents and Digital Signatures
See Article 86, and also Article 1.15 for the definition of "chronological stamping" ("estampado cronológico").
7.6. Electronic registered delivery service 001
CriteriaElectronic registered delivery service between state entities, citizens and private sector entities is regulated. The service provides legally binding data exchange and guarantees the confidentiality and integrity of information.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.7. Competent supervisory authority 333
CriteriaThere is an authority responsible for the supervision of qualified trust service providers.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
INDOTEL (Dominican Institute of Telecommunications)
Law No. 126-02 concerning Electronic Commerce, Documents, and Digital Signatures
Title IV - Articles 35 - 36
Title V - Articles 56 - 57
INDOTEL (Dominican Institute of Telecommunications)
DECREE No. 335-03That approves the Regulation of Application of Law No. 126-02, on Electronic Commerce, Documents and Digital Signatures
Article 3, Article 8, Article 27, Article 39
8. Protection of personal data 1/4 25%14 25%
8.1. Personal data protection legislation 111
CriteriaThere is a legal act for personal data protection.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Law No. 172-13, whose purpose is the comprehensive protection of personal data stored in archives, public records, data banks or other technical means of processing data intended to provide information, whether public or private.
Right of access to information and data about a person or his property contained in official or private records, as well as to know its destination and use within the limitations established by law (Art. 44 numeral 2 Constitution of the Dominican Republic)
Inviolability of correspondence, documents or private messages contained in print, digital, electronic or any other type of formats (Art. 44 paragraph 3 Constitution of the Dominican Republic)
8.2. Personal data protection authority 003
CriteriaThere is an independent public supervisory authority that is responsible for personal data protection.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
9. Cyber incidents response 5/6 83%56 83%
9.1. Cyber incidents response unit 333
CriteriaThe government has a unit (CSIRT, CERT, CIRT, etc.) that is specialised in national-level cyber incident detection and response.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Cyber Incident Response Team of the Dominican Republic (CSIRT-RD)
Decree 230-18
Article 12. Conformation of the National Cybersecurity Center
Paragraph III (page 11): In addition, the National Cybersecurity Center will have two main teams: a Cybersecurity Strategies Coordination Team (ECEC) and a Cyber Incident Response Team of the Dominican Republic (CSIRT-RD), which will be assisted by Sectorial Teams of Incident Response.
Article 17. Functions of the Cyber Incident Response Team of the Dominican Republic (CSIRT-RD).
9.2. Reporting responsibility 001
CriteriaDigital service providers and operators of essential services have an obligation to notify appointed government authorities of cyber security incidents.
Accepted referencesLegal act
9.3. Single point of contact for international coordination 222
CriteriaThe government has designated a single point of contact for international cyber security coordination.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
National Cybersecurity Center
Decree 230-18
Article 13. Attributions of the National Cybersecurity Center...
j) Be the point of contact between the Dominican State and other national and international organizations of a similar nature.
10. Cyber crisis management 3/5 60%35 60%
10.1. Cyber crisis management plan 001
CriteriaThe government has established a crisis management plan for large-scale cyber incidents.
Accepted referencesLegal act
10.2. National-level cyber crisis management exercise 222
CriteriaThe government has conducted a national-level cyber crisis management exercise or a crisis management exercise with a cyber component in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
EU CyberNet experts participated in the national cybersecurity exercise “Cyber llamas” (“Cyber flames”) in the Dominican Republic. The table top exercise was carried out by the Cyber4Dev project in collaboration with the National Cybersecurity Centre of the Dominican Republic on 19 May 2021.
The purpose of Dominican Republic’s first national level cybersecurity exercise was to define, specify and exercise the role of the National Cybersecurity Council (NCC) in cyber crisis. The focus of the exercise was to test the operational and collaborative practices, regulatory frameworks and political escalation process in a large scale cyber crisis affecting the nation. The fictional scenario, developed in collaboration with the CSIRT-RD and Indotel experts focused on cybercrime targeting DR’s critical infrastructure, government ICT infrastructure and e-services.
The exercise received active interest and lively participation by executive level representatives from the ministries and agencies that form part of the National Cybersecurity Council. The conclusions of the exercise will feed into the national policy planning, regulatory and capability development processes in cybersecurity.
10.3. Participation in international cyber crisis exercises 111
CriteriaThe country's team has participated in an international cyber crisis management exercise in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
10.4. Operational support of volunteers in cyber crises 001
CriteriaThe procedures for using volunteers in the field of cyber security are established by legislation.
Accepted referencesLegal act
11. Fight against cybercrime 9/9 100%99 100%
11.1. Cybercrimes are criminalised 111
CriteriaCybercrimes are defined by legislation.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Law No. 53-07, of April 23, 2007, against High Technology Crimes and Offenses
11.2. Cybercrime unit 333
CriteriaThere is a government entity with a specific function of combatting cybercrime.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Article 37.- Investigation and Submission. Investigations of cases and Submission to justice of the persons involved will be supported by the Department of Investigation of Crimes and Crimes of High Technology (DICAT), which will have liaison officers of the Computer Crime Investigation Division (DIDI) of the National Department of Investigation, of the Secretary of State of Forces Armed and the National Directorate of Drug Control.
11.3. Digital forensics unit 333
CriteriaThere is a government entity with a specific function of digital forensics.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Law 454-08 that creates the National Institute of Forensic Sciences of the Dominican Republic. G.O. No. 10491 of October 28, 2008. As a dependency of the Public Ministry, it has the mandate and power to carry out digital forensic analyzes to support criminal and judicial investigations.
Article 11. Attributions of the Sub-directorate of Forensic Physics. The Sub-directorate of Forensic Physics has the following attributions.
Submit expert reports on the analysis, comparison, physical and instrumental inspection of evidence.
Provide services in the following areas: a) Identification of Firearms and Tool Marks (Ballistics), b) Documentoscopy, c) Digital Evidence, d) Fingerprinting, e) Accidentology, f) Ocular Inspection, among others.
The National Institute of Forensic Sciences (INACIF), see "services" ("Forensic Physics → Computer forensics")
11.4. 24/7 contact point for international cybercrime 222
CriteriaThe government has designated an international 24/7 contact point for cybercrimes.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Computer Forensics
High Tech Crimes and Offenses Investigation Department (DICAT), National Police
12. Military cyber operations 6/6 100%66 100%
12.1. Cyber operations unit 333
CriteriaMilitary forces have a unit (cyber command, etc.) that is specialised in planning and conducting cyber operations.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cybersecurity and Intelligence Center (C5i) of the Armed Forces.
12.2. Cyber operations exercise 222
CriteriaMilitary forces have conducted a cyber operations exercise or an exercise with a cyber operations component in the country in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
This website might be geoblocked.
The Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cybersecurity and Intelligence Center (C5i) of the Armed Forces, through the Cybersecurity and Cyberdefense Directorate of that unit, had the opportunity to carry out "Operation Hawkeye 2022 CTF » in which the participants were provided with tools for the detection and hunting of cyber threats that could appear in cyberspace. It was carried out based on and compliance with Decree 313-22, which establishes the National Cybersecurity Strategy 2021-2030. -
12.3. Participation in international cyber exercises 111
CriteriaThe country's military team has participated in an international cyber operations exercise in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
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Parque Cibernético Santo Domingo