Version 3 Mar 2021
1. Cyber security policy development 6/7 86%67 86%
1.1. Cyber security policy unit 333
CriteriaA central government entity (ministry or equivalent) has a specialised official or unit responsible for national cyber security policy development.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Since the modification of the Defence Code in 2013, the Prime Minister conducts the French cyber security policy and sets out the rules regarding the enforcement of the security of the information systems. ANSSI draws upon the expertise of a strategic committee composed of senior government officials. The task of this committee is to advance proposals for State strategy in this field
1.2. Cyber security policy coordination format 222
CriteriaThe central government has a committee, council, working group, etc. for national-level cyber security policy coordination.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
ANSSI draws upon the expertise of a strategic committee composed of senior government officials. The task of this committee is to advance proposals for State strategy in this field
1.3. Cyber security strategy 111
CriteriaThe central government has established a national-level cyber security strategy or other equivalent document.
Accepted referencesValid official document
1.4. Cyber security strategy implementation plan 001
CriteriaThe central government has established an implementation plan to the national-level cyber security strategy or other equivalent document.
Accepted referencesValid official document or its enforcement act
2. Cyber threat analysis and information 4/5 80%45 80%
2.1. Cyber threats analysis unit 333
CriteriaA central government entity has a national-level unit that is specialised in national strategic cyber threat situation analysis.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
2.2. Public cyber threat reports are published annually 001
CriteriaThe public part of the national cyber threat situation analysis is published at least once a year.
Accepted referencesOfficial public report
2.3. Cyber safety and security website 111
CriteriaPublic authorities provide at least one cyber safety and security website for cyber security and ICT professionals, and regular users.
Accepted referencesWebsite
Additional advice for users
Best practices for SMEs
3. Education and professional development 8/9 89%89 89%
3.1. Cyber safety competencies in primary or secondary education 001
CriteriaPrimary or secondary education curricula include cyber safety / computer safety competences.
Accepted referencesOfficial curriculum or official report
3.2. Bachelor’s level cyber security programme 222
CriteriaThere is at least one cyber security / electronic information security focused programme at Bachelor’s or equivalent level.
Accepted referencesAccredited study programme
3.3. Master’s level cyber security programme 222
CriteriaThere is at least one cyber security / electronic information security focused programme at Master’s or equivalent level.
Accepted referencesAccredited study programme
3.4. PhD level cyber security programme 222
CriteriaThere is at least one cyber security / electronic information security focused programme at PhD or equivalent level.
Accepted referencesAccredited study programme
3.5. Cyber security professional association 222
CriteriaThere is a professional association of cyber/electronic information security specialists, managers or auditors.
Accepted referencesWebsite
ISACA Paris Chapter
French Expert Center Against Cybercrime (CECyF)
4. Contribution to global cyber security 3/6 50%36 50%
4.1. Convention on Cybercrime 111
CriteriaThe country has ratified the Convention on Cybercrime.
Accepted referencesOfficial website of the convention
4.2. Representation in international cooperation formats 111
CriteriaThe government is regularly represented in a cooperation format that is dedicated to international cyber security (e.g. FIRST).
Accepted referencesOfficial website of the cooperation format
4.3. International cyber security organisation hosted by the country 003
CriteriaA regional or international cyber security organisation is hosted by the country.
Accepted referencesOrganisation’s official website
4.4. Cyber security capacity building for other countries 111
CriteriaThe country has (co-)financed or (co-)organised at least one capacity building project for another country in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or project document
5. Protection of digital services 4/5 80%45 80%
5.1. Cyber security responsibility for digital service providers 111
CriteriaAccording to legislation, digital service providers (except micro and small enterprises): (1) must manage cyber/ICT risks or (2) must implement established cyber/information security requirements.
Accepted referencesLegal act
5.2. Cyber security standard for the public sector 001
CriteriaPublic sector digital service providers must implement (1) cyber/ICT security requirements (defined by legislation) or (2) a widely recognised security standard.
Accepted referencesLegal act
5.3. Competent supervisory authority 333
CriteriaThe government has a competent authority in the field of cyber/information security that has the power to supervise public and private digital service providers regarding the implementation of cyber/information security requirements.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Art 7, Art 8
ANSSI (autorité nationale de sécurité des systèmes d'information)
6. Protection of essential services 6/6 100%66 100%
6.1. Operators of essential services are identified 111
CriteriaThere is a legal act that allows to identify operators of essential services.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Decree n° 2018-384 of 23 May 23rd, 2018 relative to the security of networks and information systems of operators of essential services and digital service providers
Decree of June 2nd, 2006 establishing the list of activity sectors of vital importance and designating the coordinating ministers of said sectors, and its ammendment Decree of July 3, 2008
6.2. Cyber security requirements for operators of essential services 111
CriteriaAccording to the legislation, operators of essential services must manage cyber/ICT risks.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Law n° 2018-133, Articles 5 - 6
Decree of 13th of July 2020, Chapter 3
6.3. Competent supervisory authority 333
CriteriaThe government has a competent authority in the field of cyber/information security that has the power to supervise operators of essential services, regarding cyber/information security requirements.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
The Military Programming Law adopted on 19 December 2013 stepped up ANSSI’s functions. Article 22 of the law provided for the adoption of measures to increase the security of operators of vital importance, granting new prerogatives to ANSSI on behalf of the Prime Minister that enable it to enforce security and control measures for the most critical network and information systems of operators of vital importance. Furthermore, Article 22 makes it mandatory for operators of vital importance to report incidents detected on these systems.
The coordinating body for CIP in France is the General Secretariat for Defence and National Security (SGDSN). The SGDNS is an inter-ministerial organisation and is under the authority of the Prime Minister of France. ANSSI is an inter-ministerial agency under strategic guidance of SGDSN’s Strategic Committee. These are the main two agencies for CIP and CIIP and there are no other formal forms of cooperation with other public agencies. ANSSI cooperates with the private sector in 18 different working groups on matters such as the identification of systems of vital importance, definition of relevant sectorial technical rules and measures or the definition of processes (e.g. incident notification).
6.4. Regular monitoring of security measures 111
CriteriaOperators of essential services must regularly (at least once every 3 years) provide evidence of the effective implementation of cyber/information security policies (e.g. audit result, documentation, specific report).
Accepted referencesLegal act
Annex 1, subpoint '2. Safety approval rule' of Decree of 13th of July 2020,
7. E-identification and trust services 8/9 89%89 89%
7.1. Unique persistent identifier 111
CriteriaThe government provides a unique persistent identifier to all citizens, residents, and legal entities. For example, the identifier remains the same after document expiration and name change.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.2. Requirements for cryptosystems 001
CriteriaRequirements for cryptosystems in the field of trust services are regulated.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.3. Electronic identification 111
CriteriaElectronic identification is regulated.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Decree n ° 2019-452 of May 13th, 2019 authorizing the creation of an electronic identification means called "Certified online authentication on mobile"
Civil Code Article 1367
7.4. Electronic signature 111
CriteriaE-signature is regulated
Accepted referencesLegal act
Application of the European regulation
7.5. Timestamping 111
CriteriaTimestamping is regulated.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.6. Electronic registered delivery service 111
CriteriaElectronic registered delivery service between state entities, citizens and private sector entities is regulated. The service provides legally binding data exchange and guarantees the confidentiality and integrity of information.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.7. Competent supervisory authority 333
CriteriaThere is an authority responsible for the supervision of qualified trust service providers.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Qualified trust service providers criteria for assessing compliance with the eIDAS regulation
8. Protection of personal data 4/4 100%44 100%
8.1. Personal data protection legislation 111
CriteriaThere is a legal act for personal data protection.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Act No 78-17 on Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties dated 6 January 1978 (DPA). This act was modified to implement Directive 95/46/EC on data protection (Data Protection Directive).
Decree No 2005-1309 of 20 October 2005.
8.2. Personal data protection authority 333
CriteriaThere is an independent public supervisory authority that is responsible for personal data protection.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
9. Cyber incidents response 4/6 67%46 67%
9.1. Cyber incidents response unit 333
CriteriaThe government has a unit (CSIRT, CERT, CIRT, etc.) that is specialised in national-level cyber incident detection and response.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
In addition to serving as France’s national competent authority for the security of infor- mation systems, ANSSI is also responsible for responding to cyber incidents “that affect the administrations and operators of vital importance,” and for coordinating government, industry, and international incident response activities. As the main entity in charge of cyber security in France, ANSSI acts as the government’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) by providing advice and recom- mendations with regards to the protection and integrity of public networks and critical infra- structure sectors, conducting audits of sensi- tive governmental information security infrastructure, and training government personnel.
Operational Centre for the Security of Information Systems (Centre opérationnel de la sécurité des systèmes d’information; COSSI). Its mission is to detect and mitigate attacks directed at the state’s information systems designated as critical infrastructure.
9.2. Reporting responsibility 111
CriteriaDigital service providers and operators of essential services have an obligation to notify appointed government authorities of cyber security incidents.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Law n ° 2018-133 of February 26th, 2018 on various adaptation provisions to European Union law in the field of security (1), Title 1, Chapter II
Decree n ° 2018-384 of 23 May 2018 relating to the security of networks and information systems of operators of essential services and digital service providers, Articles 11 and 12
9.3. Single point of contact for international coordination 002
CriteriaThe government has designated a single point of contact for international cyber security coordination.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
10. Cyber crisis management 3/5 60%35 60%
10.1. Cyber crisis management plan 111
CriteriaThe government has established a crisis management plan for large-scale cyber incidents.
Accepted referencesLegal act
France has a consolidated multi-domain national incident response plan called “Vigipirate” and one of the 12 domains is cyber security – covered by “Plan Piranet.” This plan aims to counter cyber attacks that would cause a major threat to the vital interests of the nation, people, property, environment, or vital activities of French organizations.
Exercice Piranet 16 gathered 170 people on 6-8 December 2016 to simulate an attack of large proportions against a ministry and an operator of critical energy infrastructure. ()
10.2. National-level cyber crisis management exercise 002
CriteriaThe government has conducted a national-level cyber crisis management exercise or a crisis management exercise with a cyber component in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
10.3. Participation in international cyber crisis exercises 111
CriteriaThe country's team has participated in an international cyber crisis management exercise in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
10.4. Operational support of volunteers in cyber crises 111
CriteriaThe procedures for using volunteers in the field of cyber security are established by legislation.
Accepted referencesLegal act
The Ministry of Defense is developing, in collaboration with ANSSI, a Reserve for Cyber Defense (RCD) force that will consist of 4,000 civilian reservists prepared to respond to a major crisis of the whole territory.
11. Fight against cybercrime 9/9 100%99 100%
11.1. Cybercrimes are criminalised 111
CriteriaCybercrimes are defined by legislation.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Article 323-1:
Fraudulent accessing or remaining within all or part of an automated data processing system is punished by a sentence not exceeding two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 30.000 euro.Where this behaviour causes the suppression or modification of data contained in that system, or any alteration of the functioning of that system, the sentence is not exceeding three years’ imprisonment and a fine of 45.000 euro.
Article 323-2
Obstruction or interference with the functioning of an automated data processing system is punished by a sentence not exceeding five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75.000 euro.Article 323-3
The fraudulent introduction of data into an automated data processing system or the fraudulent suppression or modification of the data that it contains is punished by a sentence not exceeding five years imprisonment and a fine of 75.000 euro.Article 323-3-1
Fraudulently, and without legitimate motive, importing, holding, offering, selling or making available any equipment, tool, computer program or any data designed or particularly adapted to commit one or more offences provided for by articles 323-1 to 323-3, is punishable by the sentences prescribed for offences in preparation or the one that carries the heaviest penalty. -
11.2. Cybercrime unit 333
CriteriaThere is a government entity with a specific function of combatting cybercrime.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
11.3. Digital forensics unit 333
CriteriaThere is a government entity with a specific function of digital forensics.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
11.4. 24/7 contact point for international cybercrime 222
CriteriaThe government has designated an international 24/7 contact point for cybercrimes.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Office central de lutte contre la criminalité liée aux technologies de l'information et de la communication
12. Military cyber operations 6/6 100%66 100%
12.1. Cyber operations unit 333
CriteriaMilitary forces have a unit (cyber command, etc.) that is specialised in planning and conducting cyber operations.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
French Ministry of Defence has devoted substantial energy to incorporating cyber defence planning into the functions of the French Joint Chief of Staff as it is outlined in the classified French Cyber Defence Joint Doctrine (DIAdoctrine interarmées, 3.40_Cyber-3). Particularly, the Cyber Defence Cell, whose head (Officer General Cyber, OG cyber) also serves as the head of the French cyber operational command. Notably, the FR-MoD extends operational control to cyber capabilities through the J6 Staff at the theatre level, as well as tactical units directly subordinate to the cyber defence department of the Joint Chief of Staffs. See page 4-5
12.2. Cyber operations exercise 222
CriteriaMilitary forces have conducted a cyber operations exercise or an exercise with a cyber operations component in the country in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
12.3. Participation in international cyber exercises 111
CriteriaThe country's military team has participated in an international cyber operations exercise in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
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