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Updated countries and new entries in the NCSI

Costa Rica and Suriname have raised in the rankings in the past weeks, as our contributors have provided new data to the index.

CSIRT – CR sent us an updated dataset, with revised information on education, protection of personal data and contribution to global efforts, in addition to detailing the existence of a cyber security policy unit. The points were awarded and Costa Rica reached the 42nd position, while staying in the Top 5 of the Americas.

Since their last update in 2017, Suriname has improved their commitment to cybersecurity. As members of the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise they maintain representation in an international cooperation format. Additionally, they possess a cyber incidents response and cybercrime unit. The respective points were awarded and Suriname achieved the 106th position in the NCSI.

Two Caribbean nations debuted in the NCSI, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, in the 125th and 126th positions. They both present legislation that regulates electronic signatures and criminalises cybercrimes, and both are members of the ITU-IMPACT alliance. Saint Lucia goes further with personal data protection legislation and authority, while Saint Vincent and the Grenadines hosts a cyber security professional association and a cyber safety/security website.