Version 29 Sep 2022
1. Cyber security policy development 2/7 29%27 29%
1.1. Cyber security policy unit 003
CriteriaA central government entity (ministry or equivalent) has a specialised official or unit responsible for national cyber security policy development.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
1.2. Cyber security policy coordination format 002
CriteriaThe central government has a committee, council, working group, etc. for national-level cyber security policy coordination.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
1.3. Cyber security strategy 111
CriteriaThe central government has established a national-level cyber security strategy or other equivalent document.
Accepted referencesValid official document
National Cybersecurity Strategy for the period 2021-2024 (Official Digital Gazette No. 29434-A Resolution No. 17)
Pillars of the National Cybersecurity Strategy for the period 2021-2024:
"Pillar I: Protect the privacy and fundamental rights of citizens in cyberspace.
Pillar II: Deter and punish criminal behavior in cyberspace.
Pillar III: Strengthen the security and resilience of our nation's critical infrastructure.
Pillar IV: Foster a national culture of cybersecurity.
Panama has the vision of aspiring to be a nation that operates with an open, free, safe and resilient cyberspace that safeguards the fundamental rights and freedoms of our people, relying on collaborative and continuous work, promoting a universal awareness that cybersecurity is the responsibility of all
It should be noted that the aforementioned strategy nullifies the document entitled "National Strategy for Cyber Security and Protection of Critical Infrastructure" published by official gazette No. 27289-A on May 17, 2013."
1.4. Cyber security strategy implementation plan 111
CriteriaThe central government has established an implementation plan to the national-level cyber security strategy or other equivalent document.
Accepted referencesValid official document or its enforcement act
National Cybersecurity Strategy for the period 2021-2024 (Official Digital Gazette No. 29434-A Resolution No. 17), see pp. 21-30.
2. Cyber threat analysis and information 1/5 20%15 20%
2.1. Cyber threats analysis unit 003
CriteriaA central government entity has a national-level unit that is specialised in national strategic cyber threat situation analysis.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
2.2. Public cyber threat reports are published annually 001
CriteriaThe public part of the national cyber threat situation analysis is published at least once a year.
Accepted referencesOfficial public report
2.3. Cyber safety and security website 111
CriteriaPublic authorities provide at least one cyber safety and security website for cyber security and ICT professionals, and regular users.
Accepted referencesWebsite
3. Education and professional development 7/9 78%79 78%
3.1. Cyber safety competencies in primary or secondary education 111
CriteriaPrimary or secondary education curricula include cyber safety / computer safety competences.
Accepted referencesOfficial curriculum or official report
A 2018 Communiqué presents the Study plans for different High School National Programs. All of these programs deliver a subject called "Tecnología de la Información" (I.T.) in at least 10th grade.
3.2. Bachelor’s level cyber security programme 222
CriteriaThere is at least one cyber security / electronic information security focused programme at Bachelor’s or equivalent level.
Accepted referencesAccredited study programme
3.3. Master’s level cyber security programme 222
CriteriaThere is at least one cyber security / electronic information security focused programme at Master’s or equivalent level.
Accepted referencesAccredited study programme
3.4. PhD level cyber security programme 002
CriteriaThere is at least one cyber security / electronic information security focused programme at PhD or equivalent level.
Accepted referencesAccredited study programme
3.5. Cyber security professional association 222
CriteriaThere is a professional association of cyber/electronic information security specialists, managers or auditors.
Accepted referencesWebsite
4. Contribution to global cyber security 2/6 33%26 33%
4.1. Convention on Cybercrime 111
CriteriaThe country has ratified the Convention on Cybercrime.
Accepted referencesOfficial website of the convention
4.2. Representation in international cooperation formats 111
CriteriaThe government is regularly represented in a cooperation format that is dedicated to international cyber security (e.g. FIRST).
Accepted referencesOfficial website of the cooperation format
4.3. International cyber security organisation hosted by the country 003
CriteriaA regional or international cyber security organisation is hosted by the country.
Accepted referencesOrganisation’s official website
4.4. Cyber security capacity building for other countries 001
CriteriaThe country has (co-)financed or (co-)organised at least one capacity building project for another country in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or project document
5. Protection of digital services 1/5 20%15 20%
5.1. Cyber security responsibility for digital service providers 001
CriteriaAccording to legislation, digital service providers (except micro and small enterprises): (1) must manage cyber/ICT risks or (2) must implement established cyber/information security requirements.
Accepted referencesLegal act
5.2. Cyber security standard for the public sector 111
CriteriaPublic sector digital service providers must implement (1) cyber/ICT security requirements (defined by legislation) or (2) a widely recognised security standard.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Resolution 13 -2018 Standards for Information and ICT Security Gazette No. 285024
See page 9:
“Scope of application
This document will be applied by all State entities, under the responsibility of the IT departments. (…) This rule is applicable to all State entities and corporations in which the State owns fifty-one percent (51%) or more of its shares of the assets. (…) “
Resolution No. 99 – 10.16.2017 Official Digital Gazette, No. 28412-B – 11.23.2017 (“General Standard for the Management of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)”)
5.3. Competent supervisory authority 003
CriteriaThe government has a competent authority in the field of cyber/information security that has the power to supervise public and private digital service providers regarding the implementation of cyber/information security requirements.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
6. Protection of essential services 0/6 0%06 0%
6.1. Operators of essential services are identified 001
CriteriaThere is a legal act that allows to identify operators of essential services.
Accepted referencesLegal act
6.2. Cyber security requirements for operators of essential services 001
CriteriaAccording to the legislation, operators of essential services must manage cyber/ICT risks.
Accepted referencesLegal act
6.3. Competent supervisory authority 003
CriteriaThe government has a competent authority in the field of cyber/information security that has the power to supervise operators of essential services, regarding cyber/information security requirements.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
6.4. Regular monitoring of security measures 001
CriteriaOperators of essential services must regularly (at least once every 3 years) provide evidence of the effective implementation of cyber/information security policies (e.g. audit result, documentation, specific report).
Accepted referencesLegal act
7. E-identification and trust services 6/9 67%69 67%
7.1. Unique persistent identifier 111
CriteriaThe government provides a unique persistent identifier to all citizens, residents, and legal entities. For example, the identifier remains the same after document expiration and name change.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Tax Identification Number (Single Taxpayer Registry (RUC))
"The Single Taxpayer Registry (RUC), is the tax identification number of each taxpayer, created by the General Directorate of Revenue, with the purpose of establishing greater fiscal equity and a more effective control of tax compliance of natural persons, communities , companies, associations, groups, or entities of any kind with or without legal personality that cause or must withhold taxes due to the activities they carry out."
“The Single Taxpayer Registry (Registro Único de Contribuyente, RUC) is the Tax Identification Number of every Panamanian natural or legal person. The RUC is therefore an individual unique number that identifies and distinguishes natural or legal persons for tax purposes. (…) The assigned RUC is unique and non-transferable for each taxpayer. (…) Its Legal basis is Law 76 of December 22, 1976 and the last changes made to the structure of the RUC were in 2014 by Executive Decree 847.”
7.2. Requirements for cryptosystems 001
CriteriaRequirements for cryptosystems in the field of trust services are regulated.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.3. Electronic identification 001
CriteriaElectronic identification is regulated.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.4. Electronic signature 111
CriteriaE-signature is regulated
Accepted referencesLegal act
Law 51 of July 22nd, 2008: Which defines and regulates electronic documents and electronic signatures, and the provision of services of technological storage of documents and of certification of electronic signatures, and adopts other provisions for the development of electronic commerce
Law 82 of November 9th, 2012: Which grants to the Public Registry of Panama the powers of registration authority and electronic signature root certifier for the Republic of Panama, modifies the Law 51 of 2008 and adopts other provisions.
Executive Decree 684 of October 18th, 2013: Which regulates Law 51 of July 22nd, 2008 and Law 82 of November 9th, 2012, regarding the electronic signature. [P. 22 - 36 of the web link 3 PDF]
7.5. Timestamping 111
CriteriaTimestamping is regulated.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Law 82 of November 9th, 2012 grants to the Public Registry of Panama the powers of registration authority and electronic signature root certifier for the Republic of Panama, modifies the Law 51 of 2008 and adopts other provisions.
- Article 2 establishes that one of the functions of the Public Registry of Panamá is to offer the service of Time Stamping.
- Article 7, modifies Article 2 of Law 51 by adding Subpoint 46 which defines Time Stamping.
Executive Decree 684 of October 18th, 2013 regulates Law 51 of July 22nd, 2008 and Law 82 of November 9th, 2012, regarding the electronic signature. [P. 22 - 36 of the PDF]
- Article 2, Subpoint 17 defines Time Stamping and presents its possible synonyms (i.e. sellado de tiempo, fechado electrónico, marca de hora).
- Article 3, Subpoint 4 establishes that the Public Registry of Panamá is authorized to offer the service of Time Stamping, among other.
7.6. Electronic registered delivery service 001
CriteriaElectronic registered delivery service between state entities, citizens and private sector entities is regulated. The service provides legally binding data exchange and guarantees the confidentiality and integrity of information.
Accepted referencesLegal act
7.7. Competent supervisory authority 333
CriteriaThere is an authority responsible for the supervision of qualified trust service providers.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Law No. 82 of November 9, 2012, which grants the Public Registry of Panama powers of registration authority and electronic signature root certifier for the Republic of Panama, modifies Law 51 of 2008 and adopts other provisions.
8. Protection of personal data 4/4 100%44 100%
8.1. Personal data protection legislation 111
CriteriaThere is a legal act for personal data protection.
Accepted referencesLegal act
Data Protection. Law No. 81 of March 26, 2019, supplemented by Executive Decree No. 285 of May 28th, 2021.
8.2. Personal data protection authority 333
CriteriaThere is an independent public supervisory authority that is responsible for personal data protection.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information & National Authority for Government Innovation
Law 81 of 2019
Article 7
ANTAI functions include:
"Ensure the proper reservation and protection of data and information held by the State that according to the Constitution and the Law of Transparency have the nature of confidential information and restricted access information and personal data."
9. Cyber incidents response 3/6 50%36 50%
9.1. Cyber incidents response unit 333
CriteriaThe government has a unit (CSIRT, CERT, CIRT, etc.) that is specialised in national-level cyber incident detection and response.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
The Computer Security and Incident Response Team of Panama (CSIRT Panama) under the Government Innovation Authority (AIG).
Executive Decree, Creation of the CSIRT PANAMA
9.2. Reporting responsibility 001
CriteriaDigital service providers and operators of essential services have an obligation to notify appointed government authorities of cyber security incidents.
Accepted referencesLegal act
9.3. Single point of contact for international coordination 002
CriteriaThe government has designated a single point of contact for international cyber security coordination.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
10. Cyber crisis management 3/5 60%35 60%
10.1. Cyber crisis management plan 001
CriteriaThe government has established a crisis management plan for large-scale cyber incidents.
Accepted referencesLegal act
10.2. National-level cyber crisis management exercise 222
CriteriaThe government has conducted a national-level cyber crisis management exercise or a crisis management exercise with a cyber component in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
Interinstitutional Cybersecurity Simulation Exercise
"In collaboration with the Embassy of the United States, AIG and CSIRT Panama carry out "Interinstitutional Cybersecurity Simulation Exercise""
10.3. Participation in international cyber crisis exercises 111
CriteriaThe country's team has participated in an international cyber crisis management exercise in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
International CyberEx 2021
10.4. Operational support of volunteers in cyber crises 001
CriteriaThe procedures for using volunteers in the field of cyber security are established by legislation.
Accepted referencesLegal act
11. Fight against cybercrime 9/9 100%99 100%
11.1. Cybercrimes are criminalised 111
CriteriaCybercrimes are defined by legislation.
Accepted referencesLegal act
“The offenses related to the use of information and communication technologies that are sanctioned and punished under Panama’s Criminal Code of April 26, 2010 are the following:
- Seize or improperly reporting the content of a letter, email, statement or telefax (Art. 164 of the Criminal Code)
- Removing, destroying, concealing, misleading, intercepting or blocking a letter, statement or telefax (Art. 165 of the Criminal Code)
- Publicly disclosing correspondence, recording or private documents and personal information without the corresponding authorization and not intended for marketing purposes and resulting in damages (Art. 166 of the Criminal Code)
- Interception of telecommunications or use of technical devices for listening, transmitting, recording or reproducing conversations not directed to the public without authorization of the judicial authority (Art. 167 of the Criminal Code)
- Facilitating, instigating, recruiting or organizing any form of sexual exploitation of children or persons with disabilities (Art. 180 of the Criminal Code)
- Facilitating and promoting sexual tourism with children in national territory (Art. 181 of the Criminal Code)
- Manufacturing, producing, offering, trading, publishing, broadcasting or distributing pornographic material via the Internet or any mass media or national or international information where children are shown engaging in real or simulated sexual activities (Art. 184 of the Criminal Code)
- Possession of pornographic material pertaining to children (Art. 185 of the Criminal Code)
- Using, consenting or allowing children to engage in acts of indecent exposure or pornography photographed, filmed or recorded by any means, as well as inciting or promoting online sex with minors through the Internet (Art. 187 of the Criminal Code)
- Theft and computer fraud (Art. 220 of the Criminal Code)
- Identity theft of a person in order to turn a profit (Art. 221 of the Criminal Code)
- Consuming or receiving signals of telecommunications, video, computer terminal cable, satellite, or altering or manipulating any element of measurement or control (Arts. 224 and 225 of the Criminal Code)
- Amending, modifying or manipulating programs, databases, computer systems or networks in the detriment of a third party
- Seizing or making unduly use or cause the illegal transfer of money, securities, property or financial resources of a bank, finance company or any other entity dealing or intermediating with public financial resources of the public through information, fraud or technological media manipulation. (Art. 243 of the Criminal Code)
- Destroying, concealing or misrepresenting accounting books and records and financial statements of individuals or companies in order to obtain, maintain or extend a credit facility or capital from a bank or financial entity or any other dealing or intermediating with financial resources from the public. (Art. 244 of the Criminal Code)
- Transfer, storage and trading of securities, property and financial resources arising from illegal activities. (Art. 254 of the Criminal Code)
- Crimes against intellectual property. (Art. 262 to 266 of the Criminal Code)
- Crimes against industrial property rights. (Art. 267 to 273 of the Criminal Code)
- Misuse, forgery, modification or cloning of credit and debit cards including the transfer for illicit purposes. (Art. 287 of the Criminal Code)
- Disclosure of business secrets through the seizure of data, information and computer support (Art. 288 of the Criminal Code)
- Illicit access to databases, computer systems or networks. (Art. 289 of the Criminal Code)
- Copying, using or modifying, interfering with, intercepting or hindering databases or information systems of public, private or mixed institutions, banks, insurance companies and other financial and securities institutions and the aggravation of conducts when the acts are committed by individuals in charge of the database or the computer system. (Art. 290, 291 and 292 of the Criminal Code)
- Damage to critical infrastructure, including telecommunications signals, cable, Internet and fiber optic. (Art. 298 of the Criminal Code)
- Conduct or join a global organization devoted to trafficking of persons (Art. 442 of the Criminal Code)”
Cited source (CoE) can be accessed here.
11.2. Cybercrime unit 333
CriteriaThere is a government entity with a specific function of combatting cybercrime.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
"There are two agencies responsible for the coordination and judicial investigation of cyber crime. These agencies are the Deputy Prosecutor for Crimes against Intellectual Property and Information Security of the Attorney General's Office conformed by the Public Prosecutor (Ministerio Público) and the Directorate for Judicial Investigation of the National Police. A specialized investigating unit on computer crime was recently created within the Directorate for Judicial Investigation and it is under current development. Such specialized investigating unit will provide capacity and training to conduct investigations and digital forensics activities."
11.3. Digital forensics unit 333
CriteriaThere is a government entity with a specific function of digital forensics.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Instituto de Medicina Legal Y Ciencias Forenses), Computer Forensics Section
"The work of the Computer Forensics Section focuses on digital forensic examination and the application of specialized scientific and analytical techniques to technological infrastructure, to identify, preserve, analyze and present data that is valid within a legal process.
Such techniques include reconstructing the IT asset, examining residual data, authenticating data, and explaining the technical characteristics of the use applied to the data and IT assets.
Computer experts make use of technology to maintain the integrity of data and their processing, which requires specialization and advanced knowledge in computing and systems (software, hardware, networks, security, hacking, etc.). cracking, information recovery.)
This section helps to detect clues about computer attacks, information theft, conversations or clues from emails, chats."
Law No. 69 of 2007
Article 1
"(…) The Directorate of Judicial Investigation is a specialized unit of the National Police, with exclusive functions of judicial investigation police, which will have the necessary administrative, operational and technical units to fulfil their functions.”
Article 21
"The Departments of Criminalists, Expert Services and Forensic Science Laboratories of the current Judicial Technical Police are transferred to the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (…)"
11.4. 24/7 contact point for international cybercrime 222
CriteriaThe government has designated an international 24/7 contact point for cybercrimes.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
Judicial Investigation Unit, National Central Bureau of Interpol.
12. Military cyber operations 1/6 17%16 17%
12.1. Cyber operations unit 003
CriteriaMilitary forces have a unit (cyber command, etc.) that is specialised in planning and conducting cyber operations.
Accepted referencesOfficial website or legal act
12.2. Cyber operations exercise 002
CriteriaMilitary forces have conducted a cyber operations exercise or an exercise with a cyber operations component in the country in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
12.3. Participation in international cyber exercises 111
CriteriaThe country's military team has participated in an international cyber operations exercise in the last 3 years.
Accepted referencesExercise document/website or press release
PANAMAX 2022 also had a cyber component. For more information, also click here.
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