Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Moldova (Republic of)
New Zealand
North Macedonia
Saudi Arabia
Solomon Islands
The Bahamas
United Kingdom
United States

Four updates (AZ, CH, SD, TR) and three new entries (BW, MD, PK)

Azerbaijan, Switzerland, Sudan and Turkey have been updated with the latest information we have been able to find through public data collection. 

Botswana, Moldova and Pakistan debut in the NCSI. Botswana fulfills the indicators related to the protection of personal data, and some related to education and trust services. Moldova is introduced with all the indicators for e-ID, trust services, protection of personal data, and fight against cybercrime, in addition to some general cyber security indicators. Pakistan presents evidence for the protection of personal data, and a majority of the indicators regarding education and the fight against cybercrime.

Three updates (CZ, GR, NG) and five new entries (BH, LY, MR, MZ, SB)

The NCSI is continuously managed and updated with the freshest publicly available information. This time, the Czech Republic, Greece and Nigeria have benefitted from a thorough review. Nigeria is currently ranked in the 43rd position. Since its last update, Nigeria has improved in the protection of personal data, and has enabled a cyber safety website, a single point of contact for international coordination and an implementation plan for their national cyber security strategy. The Czech Republic's and Greece's evidence links have been updated, and proof of cyber security capacity building for other countries has been included. Greece and Czech Republic still are at the top of the NCSI. 

Bahrain, Mauritania, Libya, Mozambique and Solomon Islands figure among the new countries included in the NCSI. Their current rankings are 94th, 126th, 132nd, 136th, and 147th, respectively. Bahrain presents strong indicators in the protection of personal data, e-ID and trust services, education/professional development and in the fight against cybercrime. They also manage a cyber safety website, and participate in international cooperation formats and in international military cyber exercises. Mauritania similiarly presents strong indicators in the protection of personal data, and has developed a cybersecurity strategy, with its own implementation plan. It participates in international cooperation formats and provides legislation for electronic signature and the criminalization of cybercrimes. Lybia has developed a cyber security polcy unit and a cyber incidents response unit, in addition to other improvements relevant to the protection of digital services and to contributions to global efforts. Mozambique, an ITU-IMPACT member, has its own CERT and legislation for electronic signatures, the protection of personal data and the fight against cybercrimes. Finally, the Solomon Islands, also members of the ITU-IMPACT coalition, posses legislation that identifies operators of essential services. 

New entries and updates to the NCSI: PY, CL, KR, AG, HT, SC, TO, TV and VU

Paraguay, Chile and South Korea have raised in the rankings, as our contributors have provided updated links and new evidence to the index. Their current rankings are respectively 48th, 36th, and 33rd. It is worth mentioning that Chile and Paraguay are currently part of the top 3 countries in Latin America, and in the top 5 of the whole continent.

We've also had new additions to the Index. Completing the CARICOM member countries, Antigua and Barbuda, and Haiti, are currently positioned in the 127th and 128th rank, respectively. They are both members of ITU-IMPACT, have enacted legistlation for electronic signatures, and have participated in Tradewinds 2018, an international military exercise with a cybersecurity component. Individually, Antigua and Barbuda presents a more robust front on the fight against cybercrimes, protection of personal data and of essential services, while Haiti maitains a cybersecurity professional association and an e-ID & trust services supervisory authority. 

TongaVanuatuSeychelles and Tuvalu have also debuted in the NCSI. CERT Tonga is a multipurpose entity, analyzing threats and serving as a digital forensics unit. The ratification of the Budapest Convention and other evidence factors have currently placed Tonga in the 95th rank, and third in the Oceania region. Vanuatu, currently 129th, presents a cyber incidents response unit (CERT VU) and a National Cybersecurity Policy, among other indicators. Seychelles' current 131st position is indicative of the existence of personal data protection, electronic signature and cybercrime legislation. Finally, Tuvalu, at the 145th rank, has identified the operators of essential services and is an active member of international cooperation formats such as ITU-IMPACT and PaCSON. 



140+ countries in the NCSI - Happy New Year 2020!

The NCSI has reached a new milestone at the end of this year. We currently display the National Cyber Security rankings, with their corresponding evidence, of more than 140 countries. In this last month, four Caribbean countries were introduced in the index, and the evidence of an additional European country was updated. 

Serbia climbed up the rankings to the 14th position. The presented evidence included: a cyber security strategy implementation plan, legislation relevant to the protection of digital services, increased response capabilities to cyber incidents, cryptosystem requirements and cyber security competencies at the primary and secondary education levels. 

The following Caricom countries debuted in the NCSI with their current rankings: Bahamas - 96th; Grenada - 118th; Saint Kitts and Nevis - 127th; and Dominica - 134th. Efforts vary from country to country, however, the common denominators are the existence of legislation regulating electronic signatures, and the participation in international military cyber exerises. 

2020 will be a year of challenges, since we will attempt to include all the remaining 50+ countries in the NCSI, and will continue updating those already in it. We would like to thank all our country contributors for their cooperation in this endeavour, and we would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year 2020!

Updated countries and new entries in the NCSI

Costa Rica and Suriname have raised in the rankings in the past weeks, as our contributors have provided new data to the index.

CSIRT – CR sent us an updated dataset, with revised information on education, protection of personal data and contribution to global efforts, in addition to detailing the existence of a cyber security policy unit. The points were awarded and Costa Rica reached the 42nd position, while staying in the Top 5 of the Americas.

Since their last update in 2017, Suriname has improved their commitment to cybersecurity. As members of the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise they maintain representation in an international cooperation format. Additionally, they possess a cyber incidents response and cybercrime unit. The respective points were awarded and Suriname achieved the 106th position in the NCSI.

Two Caribbean nations debuted in the NCSI, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, in the 125th and 126th positions. They both present legislation that regulates electronic signatures and criminalises cybercrimes, and both are members of the ITU-IMPACT alliance. Saint Lucia goes further with personal data protection legislation and authority, while Saint Vincent and the Grenadines hosts a cyber security professional association and a cyber safety/security website.

Data on Sierra Leone published, while the United States' has been updated

Data on the cyber security situation of Sierra Leone is now available in the index, while the U.S.' dataset has been updated with the latest information.

Sierra Leone is currently ranked 129th, with a positive presence in the ITU Impact alliance. Their use of a unique persistent identifier for all citizens was also deemed a positive step to their future development in cyber security. The data was gathered through public data collection.

The United States has ranked up to the 13th place after the latest update. A more in depth review of public documentation allowed the update of some indicators and the consideration of new ones. Once more, the data was gathered through public data collection.

Data on Namibia, Papua New Guinea and Barbados published

Data on the cyber security situation on Namibia, Papua New Guinea and Barbados is now available in the index.

Barbados is currently ranked 111st, with positive scores for seven capacities, of which 'Fighting against cybercrime' obtained the highest score due to having an active cybercrime unit and criminalising such offences. The data for Barbados was gathered with the assistance of Government Officials from the Ministry of Innocation, Science and Smart Technology.

Papua New Guinea enters the index in 120th place, with positive scores for five capacities, among which they have a strong response to cyber incidents. The data for Papua New Guinea was gathered through public data collection.

Namibia enters the index in 121st place, with positive scores for four capacities, among which they have a strong presence in the educational and professional development of cyber security. The data for Namibia was also gathered through public data collection.

With the addition of these three countries, the list of nations in the NCSI has expanded to a total of 134. All data was checked by NCSI experts and is now published on the NCSI website at

Greece claims the first place

After a data update, Greece is now ranked first in the National Cyber Security Index. The update takes into account the 2019 update to the Greek legislation on the implementation of the NIS Directive and on the existence of a cyber security policy coordination format. Greece reaches the full score in half of the 12 capacities, and high scores in the rest of them. 

The information for the update was provided by Mr. Nestoras Chouliaras from the National Cyber Security Authority.