Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Moldova (Republic of)
New Zealand
North Macedonia
Saudi Arabia
Solomon Islands
The Bahamas
United Kingdom
United States

Estonia #1 after data update

Following an update by the Estonian Ministry of Defence, notifying the NCSI team of the recent establishment of the Cyber Commend at the Estonian Defence Forces and of national military cyber exercises, Estonia has taken the lead in the National Cyber Security Index.

Estonia demonstrates great results across the board, with maximum scores in the capacities of cyber threat analysis and information, contribution to global cyber security, protection of digital services, protection of personal data, cyber incidents report, cyber crisis management, and military cyber operations.

The update to the NCSI was provided by Tanel Sepp, Deputy Director of the Cyber Policy and IT Department at the Estonian Ministry of Defence.

Uganda takes the lead in the Africa region

Uganda has taken the lead in the Africa region, based on a recent update provided by our cooperation partners at NRD Cyber Security.

Uganda is currently ranked 40th, showing good results in several of the capacities, with notable performance in the capacities of cyber threat analysis and information, protection of digital services, education and professional development, fight against cybercrime, etc.

Uganda is closely followed in the Africa region by Mauritius (ranked 43rd) and Nigeria (ranked 45th). A full regional list can be consulted on the NCSI front page by using the filter in the upper left-hand corner.

Liberia, South Sudan, Malawi join the NCSI

Data on the cyber security situation of Liberia, South Sudan and Malawi is now available in the index.

Liberia is currently ranked 84th, with a good score in the field of protection of digital services, and commendable results in education and professional development as well as e-identification and trust services.

South Sudan entered the index in 108rd place, with their only positively assessed indicator being fight against cybercrime. 

Malawi joined the index in 84th place, with good scores for the capacity to protect digital services, e-identification and trust services, and cyber incidents response.

The data for Liberia, South Sudan and Malawi was gathered through public data collection. All data was checked by NCSI experts and is now published on the NCSI website at

New data takes Singapore to 5th place

Following the most recent update of country data from the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore, we have a newcomer in our Top 5. 

Singapore has reached a perfect score in multiple capacities - cyber threat analysis and information, education and professional development, protection of essential services, protection of personal data, and cyber crisis management - and is currently ranked 5th in the index.

We thank the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore for their good cooperation.

Thailand and Macedonia included in the index

Data on the cyber security situation of Thailand and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is now available in the index.

Thailand is currently ranked 47th, with a perfect score for the capacity of cyber threat analysis and information, and good results in the capacities of fight against cybercrime, cyber crisis management, as well as e-identification and trust services. The data for Thailand was gathered through public data collection.

Macedonia enters the index in 51st place, with perfect scores in the capacities of personal data protection and fight against cybercrime, but with good results also in the field of cyber incidents response, e-identification and trust services, and cyber crisis management. The data for the Macedonia was also gathered through public data collection.

All data was checked by NCSI experts and is now published on the NCSI website at

Data about Mali and Republic of Korea now available

Data on the cyber security situation of Mali and the Republic of Korea is now available in the index.

Mali is currently ranked 84th, with the highest score in the field of personal data protection, and a good result in the capacity of e-identification and trust services. The data for Mali was gathered through public data collection.

The Republic of Korea enters the index in 53rd place, also with a perfect score in personal data protection, but with good results in the capacities of fight against cybercrime, education and professional development, cyber crisis management, and cyber incidents response. The data for the Republic of Korea was also gathered through public data collection.

All data was checked by NCSI experts and is now published on the NCSI website at

Guyana and Cameroon added to the index

Data on the cyber security situation of Guyana and Cameroon is now available in the index.

Guyana enters the index in 96th place, with positive scores in three capacities: contribution to global cyber security, cyber incidents response, and fight against cybercrime. The data about Guyana was collected from different public authorities under the coordination of the National Data Management Authority.

Cameroon enters the index in 80th place, performing well in the areas of cyber security policy development, protection of digital services and cyber incidents response. The data for Suriname was gathered through public data collection.

All data was checked by NCSI experts and is now published on the NCSI website at

NCSI includes 100 countries' profiles, new website launched

The National Cyber Security Index has reached a milestone by having published information about the cyber security situation of 100 countries all over the world.

The information is continuously updated as information about new legislation, units, events, etc. is submitted to the NCSI team, but the current top 10 is the following (with NCSI scores in brackets):

  1. France (83.12)
  2. Germany (83.12)
  3. Estonia (81.82)
  4. Slovakia (80.52)
  5. Finland (79.22)
  6. Lithuania (77.92)
  7. Spain (77.92)
  8. United Kingdom (75.32)
  9. Switzerland (75.32)
  10. Czech Republic (74.03)

The new NCSI website allows filtering the ranking list by geographic regions and by membership in international and regional organisations such as NATO, EU, ASEAN, Arab League, etc. Please see the upper left corner of the front page for the filtering option.

The index includes 27 Asian countries, where the top performers are Malaysia (72.73), Japan (66.23), and Qatar (57.14).

Highest ranked countries from the Americas are the United States (64.94), Canada (57.14), and Peru (38.96).

Out of 18 African countries represented in NCSI, the top 3 is comprised of Mauritius (46.75), Nigeria (44.16) and Benin (41.56).

Another feature of the new website is that it is possible to compare the profiles of any two more countries against each other. To select a country's dataset for comparison, please go to any country page, find the "NCSI update" section and click on the blue plus sign that appears after the date.

Should you have any questions or comments regarding the index or the new website, please contact us at Please use the same address if you are able to provide information about a country that is not yet in the index or complete information about any country that is already included.